Order of St
Joseph of Arimathea - (OJA)
We learn about
Joseph of Arimathea in Sacred Scripture. Arimathea was his place of birth, which
was most likely the same city also known as Ramatha, birthplace of the prophet
Joseph of Arimathea was Jesus' Uncle, and many believe he brought the 'Holy
Grail' to Glastonbury UK.
This Order is open
to those who are Sub-Deacon are above, who have completed a pilgrimage to our
recognised Sacred locations throughout the world. These include Tigris, Israel,
Persia, Egypt, Crete, Bulgaria, France, Basque Region, Morocco, Ireland,
Scotland, England and Wales. Further details and information about sites we hold
as Sacred are available from the Vicar General.
Order of The
Holy Grail - (OHG)
This is an honourary order that
members of the clergy who have gained secret knowledge are invited to join.
Ordo Infinitus Orbis - Knights Hospitaller Templars
within OIO-KHT
Order of The
Divine Chalice - (ODC)
Order of The
Flaming Sword - (OFS)
Order of
Sophia - (OSph)
Order of
Divine Wisdom - (ODW)
Order of The
Divine Light - (ODL)
Order of The
Violet Flame - (OVL)
Order of
Illuminati - (OIlumi)
Societies &
Organisations under the protection of The Church of St Mary & St John
Temple of Theola
A group for
spiritually minded beings of all paths, the aim is to bring us all together and
create a community spirit and learn from each other. Meetings, workshops and
events all aiming to raise money for the Theomerla project as well share
knowledge and wisdom with each other.
The aim is to
bring like minded beings together and create an environmentally friendly village
and spiritual retreat.