Sub-deacon - 6th Degree

The training period for the major order of Sub-deacon is expected to be a minimum of a year. However this depends on the progress of the Aspirant and is at the discretion of the synod of Bishops.

Sub-deacon is a preliminary stage to the training of the Priesthood, in which the Aspirant is given time to test their vocation, insuring that the path upon which they have embarked is their true calling. This gives them time to way up the responsibilities and as far as they are able, to count the cost that such a path may take.

Deacon - 7th Degree

The training period for the major order of Deacon is expected to be a minimum of a year. However this depends on the progress of the Aspirant and is at the discretion of the synod of Bishops.

The Deacon is known as the servant at the altar and has been recognised within the Church from its conception, and is mentioned in the New Testament. The responsibilities of the Deacon are the cleanliness and presentation of the altar, washing of the linens, as well as the presentation of the lavabo and the empty cruets. The Deacon will need to learn and understand how to be a leader, also to create a deeper understanding of the spiritual nature of humankind and it's connection to the Divine.


Priest/Priestess - 8th Degree

Esoteric Comparative Theology Diploma (DipECTh.)

The training period for the major order of Priest/Priestess is expected to be a minimum of a year. However this depends on the progress of the Aspirant and is at the discretion of the synod of Bishops.

The Priesthood embodies the aspects of both leader and teacher and is the direct spiritual link between humanity and the Divine. The Priest/Priestess is responsible for performing the Eucharist and all the other sacraments. They are responsible for the day to day activities of their ministry and the spiritual life of their congregation.




This is an honourary title and position, conferred on those who have achieved long or exemplary service to the Church.





The role of Abbot/Abbess is one granted by the Bishops to those who have shown great understanding and commitment to the Church, as well as having an exemplary understanding of the inner Divine Wisdom.
The responsibilities could include the establishment of a territorial Abbessy within a particular country or area. This responsibilities may encompass the ordaining of Aspirants through the minor and major orders, up to and including that of Priest. These powers are only granted by express permission of the Presiding Bishop and the Vicar General.